Thursday, December 8, 2016

Busy,much too busy

I am making myself take a moment this morning.  I have already gotten customers frustrated with me because I was not open when they needed it.

Between all my customers, they expect me to be open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and to be able to answer questions from 5:30 a.m. until midnight.  They are insane!

Had to go because customers were calling and coming in!

No rest for the weary this season.  I am SOOOOO thankful our older boys are giving us a couple days away after Christmas.  We need to reconnect and I need a break from the stress of my work being here, homeschool and the home in general.

Just one morning worth of patches - 7 different customers!   This is happening almost daily right now.

Well, money coming in so it is fine with me. 

I thought I would be able to write something substantial, but I cannot!  Tacos for dinner and on to embroidery now!


  1. Sometimes that time away just gives you the balance you need back in your life. Sounds like you have a plan to make that happen soon!

    Also, tacos are close to the top of my favorite meals. Yum. :-)

  2. Remember your old boundaries posts. Taking breaks when needed are required.

