Friday, February 16, 2018

Spoke too soon

We actually did not get the bonus yesterday, so the numbers did not change all that much - I am not going to post them.

We will get the bonus, just not until the end of the month - I thought it came with this check, but no.  Goes to show how little we actually got them in the past!

Today is all about cleaning up - The house needs to be cleaned up a bit, my office is a wreck and I need to clean my machines, I have threads breaking all over the place.  It is all this work I am doing.

Well, I am off to face another cloudy day.


  1. Bummer about the check, but at least you know it is coming! Stay motivated! I am on fire with wanting to see our debt gone. It might not happen in 2018, but it will happen!

    1. Same here! I would love to have it gone this year. We are trying hard.

  2. Thankfully February is a short month so the check will get there soon. I can’t wait to see the numbers after the bonus check!

    1. Me too! We never know how much they will take out for taxes, so I may be off as much as $1,000 if I guess now. I am impatiently waiting! ;)

