Monday, January 16, 2017

First Day of School

Though not literally the first day we have done school for the 2016/2017 calendar year, it is the first day we have committed to starting school at home with fervor.

We truly begin our US History studies.  It will takes us 1+ years as we want to incorporate documentaries and a trip to DC.  I wish we could jump in our RV and just go around the US for a year, but not an option, so DC it is.

This past weekend, we all decided that year round schooling will be best for us.  So, we are doing a 9 weeks on, 4 weeks off, with a couple of exceptions.  Since we took off the first two weeks of January due to the stress in the house, we have to work 10 weeks this first time, then get three weeks off.  Then we do a 9 weeks stretch, then 3 weeks off  late the in the year again because I want the month of December off.  Pretty much, we expect to travel during those breaks - one to DC, maybe to see my Dad in Arkansas, a trip to Mississippi to see family, etc.  December we will just exist though.

We think this mimics college boy's quarter system a bit, and will hopefully prevent burnout, while at the same time not letting us get so ingrained in leisure that it makes MORE difficult to get started up again.

Morning Meeting

Something different is that we are having morning meetings everyday, but Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.  After breakfast and teeth brushing, we meet in the living room to commence the day.
In this meeting, we:

1. Say good morning to each other, ask how we've slept, etc.  Then I may talk about anything that is new or has come up, then give them the opportunity to do the same.  Then we get into group lessons.

2. Bible Studies

3. History Lesson

4. Either Poetry or Science (whichever the day)

5. Latin chants

6. Chores

Then, they are off to do their individual work - Latin, writing, grammar, word studies, math and what ever elective they have.

It sounds like a lot, but we do small chunks everyday.  Like the saying goes - How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

This is also the first day of school for me as well. When they break for their individual work, I will spend 30 minutes more or less beginning my endeavor of studying the classics.  I am still in prep work and not sure where I will start, but I am excited!

Lunches with Dad
In addition to all this!  I wanted to start incorporating current events into our program and many homeschool moms do this by having afternoon tea once a week.  Well, Dad wanted to be involved, so we are going to have lunch with Dad every other week and have current event lunches. 

If it works out well, we may do this weekly on Fridays even with me. 

Today however, we are just getting our curriculum labeled and set up, then going over bible and some latin flash cards, and watching a video speech about the importance of a classical education.  Dr. Christopher Perrin is quite charismatic!

I hope you all are enjoying your day! 

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