Sunday, August 27, 2017

Checking in

We are still hanging in there.  Lots of rain last night, lots of tornado warnings, but we are good.  We still have electricity and are just hanging out.

Where we are, the little lake is over its bank, but holding good and no streets are flooded.

Houston however is under water and many of my friends are stuck in there homes - no way out - water lapping at their doorsteps.  More rain is coming.

I am not sure how our land/house is doing - the road there is flooded, so we could not get there even if we tried.  Our realtor lives in the neighborhood though and she is keeping me informed of the general neighborhood happenings.  The neighborhood is not flooded, but I am concerned because our house is not water proof yet.  We have temporary doors and the brick is not fully installed.  I am anxious to see what the damage is.  This is how people people who evacuate feel - only more so.  It is awful!

However, we are hearing that the RV Park where we were is flooded, so good move on our part.

But, with this all, the dark skies and pitter patter of rain has allowed me to sleep so good.

It is difficult to think of anything else though - this is all encompassing!


  1. I've been hearing and seeing all the reports. I can't even begin to imagine! We are nowhere near Houston but are still seeing significant rain fall. Thankfully, although we live on a lake, we are not considered to be in a flood zone. Stay safe and continue keeping us informed. Glad you got your RV moved!

  2. Is the roof on yet? I cannot remember. I do remember you had press board type stuff under the roof. That stuff just collapses. You may have a mold problem before you move in. Good luck with that. Have you talked to the contractor/builder about how waterproof it is so far?

    1. Yes, the roof is on. All the windows are in, but there are just temporary doors. There are gaps all around them, but it is only one I am really worried about. Just I know wetness causes problems - like you said!

      No, I have not contacted my builder at this point. There is such widespread havoc here, he needs to take care of his family. We will take stock in what we have when it is all over.

  3. Glad you are ok and like you said, you'll just have to take stock when it's over and hope for the best. Things can be fixed. We were trying to email our builder and turns out he's been spending the past couple of days helping evacuate his parents and a daughter from their homes due to the wildfire spreading in their area. Family first.

