Thursday, September 29, 2016


I am drowning.  I have so much to make for the business.  Saying I am underwater is understating it!

I currently have 20 quilts on order - 18 due by Christmas. 

One customer is bring me TONS of applique and embroidery.

I keep thinking if I get over this hump, then I can get back on top of things and move forward.  I LOVE this job - the only one I really have ever loved.  Seems as though people are seeing that because just when I think I am starting to make headway, more come rolling in.

Yes, part of this is my fault, because I cannot say no!  Because so much of what I do is memory oriented, the stories are so sad! 

My son killed himself before he could find out his girlfriend was pregnant with his son.  My grandson is turning 1 now and I want to give him a memory bear from the shirt his Dad (her son) used to wear all the time.  Along with the bear, I am giving him a picture of his father wearing the shirt.

 This is just one story, there are many others!  The husband died and she wants a quilt from all his Harley shirts, a grandmother is surprising her grandchild with a quilt from all the competition shirts she saved,  pictures taken from a PeaceCorp expedition that she wants incorporated into a quilt, birthday this, Christmas that. 

Most break my heart and I cry a bit when I am making them.  Others are just for fun times and to their excitement makes it too hard to say no. 

My current delivery time is March 2017 and people are still ordering!  They don't care!  Some do and want an earlier time, but most are ok with it.

I am still sewing patches and embroidering - LOTS and LOTS of hooded towels.  They are fairly quick and fun though.  Not pushing, but just in case - yes, I can ship, so if you want one just let me know!  I also personalize them.  They are $25 as is, and $30 with an embroidered name.  I have over 100 styles, too!

So much more going on, but I have to get back to work.  Deadlines to meet!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Quilt for College Boy

Well, I am delivering my second child to college this weekend.  So far, I am not tender hearted.  I am not sure if it because he started pulling away two months ago or the two I still have at home and am homeschooling.  He is just ready and I know it.  It is not sad that he going, but rather, I am so incredibly proud that he is excited and ready to start this new part of his life with confidence and perseverance. 

I bought some fabric back in January - Modern Essential for Zen Chic by Moda.  It is all this science oriented fabrics and designs - very cool for my engineering oriented kid.

Then, while perusing You Tube, I came across this video from Missouri Star Quilt Company and fell in love with the design.  I wasn't about to buy the book though - as I don't often follow patterns.  No time.

So, I made my own based on the one page pdf they had.

Here is what I came up with!  He loves it and in fact, wrapped all up in it right now.  (we are in our rv)

David posing with his new quilt

Back side - using up the fabric in the pile.
Overall, this is one of my favorite quilts I have made - very fun and eye catching, but so easy to make - a little dull actually.  I would do it again, but not in 2 days - too much going on!

He moves in tomorrow and we will stay here one more night - have to rush back because Laney has a sign language class.  Sigh.  Never ending or when it does, I will probably wish it was still here.  The paradox of parenting!

Hope you are all having a great holiday weekend - for those in the US at least.