Monday, October 30, 2017

No pix yet

I am struggling to find time to take pictures.  There are still doors that need to be put in and touch up paint.

My sister, her husband and son were over this past weekend.  Great weekend, but exhausting.  I just have not caught up from the hectic times these past few months. 

Between getting quilts done, homeschooling, unpacking, and the myriad of problems popping up - radio in truck gone - which means verbal commands are shot.  Sigh.

The new-to-us car has an axle issue.  Double sigh.

No internet yet.

I am running, running, running.  We still have not closed on the house either.  I just cannot wait until all this is over!!!!!

Sorry - you were last again today - so much to take care of when I finally get here.  I will try to write a blog off line this next time, so I can give you all the time I want to!

I will be back soon!


  1. Nothing like keeping us in suspense for pictures and updates! No worries, the blogging world will still be here when you get a chance to catch your breath! Thanks for checking in.

  2. I do not envy you one bit. Things will slow down soon. Until then, the madness continues.

  3. I hope things run more smoothly soon. We will be waiting whenever you have time to post pictures.

